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Welcome to Class 5

Welcome to Class 5 with Miss Bhalla.


Throughout the year I will be in class Monday to Friday and Mrs Kew will be teaching on a Wednesday afternoon. We are very lucky to have Mrs Dawson each day as our teaching assistant.

I hope that you find our class page useful. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact the school office. I can return or schedule a call to discuss any concerns or questions further.

Please use the left-hand menu to view our curriculum information. 

Muddy Puddles and PE

Class 5 will continue to partake in a weekly PE session and a fortnightly Muddy Puddle or additional PE session.

 On these days, children should come to school in their PE/Muddy Puddle Kits.

Please remember that on our Muddy Puddle and PE day they need to come to school dressed in appropriate PE/ Muddy Puddle kit. The list of kit can be found on the Muddy Puddle / PE dates on the newsletter or on the website here


Each member of Class 5 will bring home a wonderful book from the Reading Realm and a Captain’s Log – a special book which will allow your child to record their favourite reading adventures and to make note of their favourite characters.

Please ensure that your child brings their reading Realm book every day as we will practice daily reading.


Weekly homework will be handed out on a Friday to be completed and returned by the following Tuesday. The homework will alternate fortnightly between grammar and number skills. 
In addition, children will receive a set of key spellings each Monday. The children will take part in a quiz each week using the previous weeks key spellings.

Timestables and Spellings

We will continue to use our spelling scheme, ‘Spelling Shed’, look out for the weekly spelling activities which build upon the spelling practice we complete in school. You can access Spelling Shed at: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login

Weekly times tables will also be set on TTRockstars - You can access TTRockstars here at: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/18160 

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